February 22. Numbers ch 33-36
Beloved friends, we may have been torn away from you physically for a season, but never in our hearts. For we have had intense longings and have endeavored to come and see in your faces the reflection of this great love. We miss you badly, and I personally wanted to come to you, trying again and again, but our adversary, Satan, blocked our way. 1 Thessalonians 2:17-18 TPT
GOOD DAY: What a sweet letter from Paul to the Thesallonians! Who says that God is against expressions of love. Has anyone or any circumstance including death torn you apart from physically being with your loved ones? Then know that it is for a short while and that is the worst it could do. He cannot tear you apart in spirit. No one has control over who you hold in your heart and the feelings with which you hold them. The feelings in your heart are brewing and growing, waiting eagerly for the time you would meet face to face for the outburst of expression. A young lady separated from me by force while leaving with tears in our eyes said “Gramma, don’t worry, the longer we are apart the sweeter the reunion will be”. A woman bereaved of her son said to me “Sister, she has been separated from me in the flesh by death but not from my soul. When I too will be separated from the files, our meeting shall be sweet. I look forward to it”. While you are separated, pray for the person when you remember him and make him a part of your prayer always. Bodies can be separate spirit cannot. Pray for the well being of your loved ones.
PRAY: Dear Lord, thank You for the gift of prayer that connects us with our loved ones whether present or absent.
Bose Olatunbosun +447399700512; +2348033355584