September 22.     Hosea ch 5-7


“But godliness with contentment is great gain, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content.”

‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭6‬:‭6‬-‭8‬ ‭ESV‬‬

GOOD DAY: Do you know that you are rich? Hard to believe but I tell you that you are rich, in fact very rich. What anyone who feels poor and bad lacks is contentment. If you mix contentment with whatever possessions that you have, you are happier and have more life than the billionaire who lacks contentment. Those days when I used to attend parties, I dressed myself in whatever outfit I felt like putting on, I even wore jeans trousers to parties and people saluted my courage and wished they could be as bold. 

Many of them would take the party uniform on credit and be burdened with paying back. If you are feeling low about your finances, pray for contentment. Ask that contentment will come into you and mix with whatever you have then your joy will be restored and at each turn, you will have enough to meet your needs. When you are content, you will have the attitude of gratitude that brings joy and directs you to where and how your needs will be met. Today, instead of complaining, tell yourself you are content with what you have and thank God for meeting your needs. Do this each time you are about to complain and see what difference it will make to your feelings. Remember that NO MATTER HOW BIG YOUR MATERIAL WORTH IS, YOU WILL ALWAYS NEED AND LONG FOR MORE IF YOU LACK CONTENTMENT. 

PRAY: Dear Lord, let contentment have its way in my heart today and make me grateful for Your provisions in my life. 

Bose Olatunbosun +447399700512; +2348033355584