May 30.      Psalms ch 53-54


No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up on the last day. Not that anyone has seen the Father, except the One who is from God; He has seen the Father.

John 6:44‭, ‬46 NASB1995

GOOD DAY. Today, the Lord wants to address those who are feeling rejected. It can be very painful to be rejected especially by a valued person and one can lose self confidence for life if not well addressed. Some people rejected by someone they love end up too shy and withdrawn to try loving again. Some have hated the person that rejected them for life. Rejection can generate so many bad emotions that can become a hindrance to one’s blessings and progress in life. I was rejected by someone I once admired and it hurt me deeply for a long time until the day I was healed by the scripture above. Jesus was rejected by His people despite the fact that He healed them, fed them and did them lots of good. He was able to survive the rejection by realizing that it is only those who God drew to Him that would come to Him.

Likewise, if God does not draw a person to me, that person can neither come to me nor appreciate me. While the rejected person is focused on his rejection by someone, there are various people who are drawn to him and appreciate him that he ignores. I then learnt to pay attention to and appreciate those who value me.  Therefore, anyone who rejects you or does not want you is not drawn to you by God as such a person is not essential to you in the fulfillment of your purpose in life or at that particular time. This perspective has made it easy for me to cope with rejection by people, even those who are close to me. Whenever they are needful, they will draw close to me and we all will support or benefit from each other. 

If someone rejects you, leave the person and move on with your purpose.


PRAY: Dear Lord, I pray that those who are suffering from rejection, especially children and silent adults will understand that You are the one who brings people  together for Your own reasons. Let this knowledge heal their hurts. 

Bose Olatunbosun

+447399700512; +2348033355584