May 22. Psalms ch 29-30
For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, And that which I was afraid of is come unto me.
Job 3:25 KJV
GOOD DAY: There is the age long question of why do bad things happen to good people. There can’t be any exact answer to the question but we can part explain it to a great extent. Why did Job a man acclaimed to be good even by God experience bad things? What can we learn from Job’s experience?
In human relationships, people get attracted to each other for different reasons. A man who is passionate about beauty of a woman gravitates towards beautiful women. A person passionate about work is moved to where opportunities to work are. But the first to consider about the Law of Attraction is from a passion called FEAR. I am starting with this because I see fear as motivation for lots of prayers and good services that we do. Fear we can see from Job chapters 1 to 3 attracts both the attention of God and Satan. One can passionately be afraid and be praying and quoting scriptures, going to church so that some things will not happen to him. I was a victim of fear motivated positive confessions daily. Exactly what I was trying to prevent happened and all I could do was ask God for explanation and comfort. I was comforted and God did make His way clear to me. You will attract whatever you passionately fear. This is because your fear is settled in the core of your being. It is in your subconscious and the situation will work itself out in real life. Don’t be afraid of anything to the point of making that fear the basis for your lifestyle. Let love be your motivation. Perfect love casts away all fears.
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love.
1 John 4:18 NASB1995
The ordeal of Job teaches us that we do not need to fear but love. Whatever God takes from us, He is able to replace if need be. So do all things out of love and trust in God and not out of morbid fear.
PRAY: Dear God, teach me to love and trust You to do the best in my life.
Bose Olatunbosun
+447399700512; +2348033355584