April 29. Job ch 39-42
For lack of wood the fire goes out, and where there is no whisperer, quarreling ceases.
Proverbs 26:20 ESV
GOOD DAY. Let us think deeply on this verse of scripture and see the secret to freedom from any struggle whatsoever. I will recommend that with all our reading, we should be reading one chapter of proverbs per day. It contains a lot of living wisdom. Back to our verse, the millennial generation may not understand the principle very clearly as most of them never had to deal with using wood to cook. When you are cooking with wood, to keep the fire on, you need to keep pushing the wood under the tripod as it burns. If you want to stop the fire, then you pull out the wood but the fire does not go out immediately. The remnant of the wood in the tripod still burns until it all becomes ashes. When you take out the fuel, the fire stops.
Now to real life issues. Everything we experience in life has fuel. It can be called cause and effect. The cause is the wood or fuel and the effect is the fire. When you remove the cause, the fire of the effect eventually burns out. This is the secret to having deliverance from any unpleasant effects or experiences. The wood to any effect is set out in scriptures. You can study the cause of any effect you are experiencing and when you stop the cause continually as it appears, you remove the effect eventually. If you learn the wood from scriptures, and you continually feed the fire with the wood, then the fire goes on but if you continually remove the wood, the fire eventually goes off. Jesus came to show us that there is the kingdom of God wood and fire. The beatitudes summaries it. Look at them and begin to live by them continually then you’ll experience real deliverance from the fire caused by disobedience.
PRAY: Lord Jesus, please open my eyes to see the wood fuelling evil and bad experiences in my life and help me to take the wood out.
Bose Olatunbosun
+447399700512; +2348033355584