February 25. Judges ch 10-13
Pray, Always Pray; The Holy Spirit Pleads
Within Thee All Thy Daily Hourly Needs.
Pray, Always Pray; Beneath Sin’s Heaviest Load
Prayer Sees The Blood From Jesus’ Side That Flowed.
Pray, Always Pray; Though Weary, Faint, And Lone,
Prayer Nestles By The Father’s Sheltering Throne.
Pray, Always Pray; Amid The World’s Turmoil
Prayer Keeps The Heart At Rest, And Nerves For Toil.
Pray, Always Pray; If Joys Thy Pathway Throng,
Prayer Strikes The Harp, And Sings The Angels’ Song.
Pray, Always Pray; If Loved One Pass The Veil,
Prayer Drinks With Them Of Springs That Cannot Fail.
All Earthly Things With Earth Shall Fade Away;
Prayer Grasps Eternity; Pray, Always Pray.
Today Lord, we invite You specially into the affairs of Nigeria as we vote in for the leaders to direct us for the next four years. You are the one that knows the heart of all men. Kindly choose the man after Your heart who will be meek and do your will alone. Thank You Lord