November 8.                         Acts ch 6-8


Meanwhile, brothers and sisters, we must be patient and filled with expectation as we wait for the appearing of the Lord. Think about the farmer who has to patiently wait for the earth’s harvest as it ripens because of the early and latter rains. So you also, keep your hopes high and be patient, for the presence of the Lord is drawing closer.”

‭‭James (Jacob)‬ ‭5‬:‭7‬-‭8‬ ‭TPT‬‬

GOOD DAY. When helpless and the situation seems hopeless, waiting patiently for help is one of the most difficult things to do. It is amazing that sometimes, the thing we don’t want is the help that we may even be desiring. A Sister’s mother was seriously sick and they had spent all their resources on her. They were tired and frustrated yet they could not abandon her. The only help out was for God to call her home. They had to patiently wait for one year before she was called home. At times like this when one has to wait for so long before the much needed relief or help comes, what do you do? 

First is to appreciate that God is with you. Jesus has gone to prepare a place for you in His Father’s kingdom. This doesn’t necessarily mean when you die. It is also true now when he has gone ahead and arranged help for you. See yourself helped in your imagination. Every matter is resolved in the spirit. Until man consciously appreciates that, he can not have the peace that will calm him to see the way out of his challenges. I start my imagination from the point that “I HAVE HELP.” I say it to myself until it calms me down and I develop faith. At that point, everything that happens is part of help sent to me from above. Look at the way of Joseph to power. 

Second, once I reach this point, I start praising and thanking God for the solution of my challenge. The bible says that we should give thanks in all things. I give thanks and I continue doing whatever good my hand finds to do. Matters arising from challenges have a loud voice and are quite disturbing and distracting. The greatest job is for you to silence that voice and regain your peace. No matter how long it takes, a God and help consciousness with gratitude will take you out of any challenge. 

PRAY: Thank you Lord for preparing help for me ahead of any situation that I find myself in. Teach me Lord to hold your hand to the end.