November 7.   Acts ch 3-5


“You’ve gone into my future to prepare the way, and in kindness you follow behind me to spare me from the harm of my past. You have laid your hand on me!”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭139‬:‭5‬ ‭TPT‬‬

GOOD DAY. Have you ever been in a situation where you can not see any physical help? You have looked round and all help is nowhere to be seen. You look as if you are naked and each person you turn to that says no makes you sink more into despair. I have good news for you.

God has gone to this stop in your life before you ever got there to prepare a way out for you. You don’t see Him with your physical eyes and other senses but you can see Him in your imagination. You can see the help He has prepared for you. I will give you my personal testimony. 

I had a little rift with a man that can be resolved easily. Every attempt I made at peaceful resolution bounced back so we went to court. He won and he was so jubilant telling whoever cared to listen how he had won. Then one day, he got to a point where he realized that his victory was not total. Meanwhile, he had so much embarrassed me that I nearly could not walk the streets of Lagos. There was nothing he did not say to me in writing. At the time when this was happening, I just kept quiet and trusted that he was talking to God and not me. This was the perspective I got when I was meditating. Soon after, he had to apply for the final pronouncements of the judge and he was asked a question that made him lose his stand because of the things he had written before. At the time he was insulting me, I was angry with God and wondered why He did not stop him. But now, his writing is putting him into trouble. 

When you get to the point where no one is there to help me you, go into your imagination and envision help. If you can imagine the help well, that help you imagined will manifest. Try it and send me testimony. You will discover that the poor experience of the past has a job in the future where you are now. 

PRAY: Dear Lord, let me believe that you have prepared help for me from the past even when I do not see you or see the help.