October 14. Matthew ch 24-26
“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but desire fulfilled is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12 BSB
GOOD DAY. Hope is generated when a promise is given. To be hopeful, you must be sure that the person that promised is capable of fulfilling it. I once told my grandson that I would buy Alexa for him if he reduced his screen time to a certain level. He wanted Alexa to play music and read books out for him and he knew I could afford it. He started reducing his screen time and doing other useful things around the house. He had a vision of all that he will do with Alexa. When he got his screen time low enough that I noticed, he asked for the Alexa and unfortunately, I was not in the position to buy it. He would ask every other day and I would tell him to hold on. This went on for months but I noticed that each time he would get disappointed with my not yet to asking for Alexa, he will replay what he would do with Alexa in his mind and say a bit of it and keep going. This went on for six months and he countered deferred hope with the imagination of the fulfilled desire.
This is a child’s way of keeping his hope alive. Whenever you imagine your hope fulfilled, a joy wells up in you that keeps you going till the time that the hope is manifested. When your imagination of desire is fulfilled gives you a deep joy within, then you know the desire is granted in the spirit only waiting for appropriate time of manifestation. As you go into the imagination again and feel the joy, you are drawing the desire into reality.
Have you only prayed words without seeing your prayer answered in your mind? Have you just spoken without having that joy of imagined fulfillment that you can fall back to in case you have to wait? Then pray more. The imagination of fulfilled desire is the tree of life that will bring manifestation. If you can hold the imagination, you will have the tree of fulfilment.
PRAY: Dear Lord, help me to see my hope fulfilled that the joy of seeing will keep me going till manifestation comes.
Bose Olatunbosun.