September 19. Joel ch 2-4
“They have neither knowledge nor understanding, they walk about in darkness; all the foundations of the earth are shaken. I said, “You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you;” Psalm 82:5-6 ESV
GOOD DAY: Everyone is aware that something is happening on earth. Weather has changed seriously. Scientists call it global warming but God sees the foundation of the earth is shaking because of the ignorance of mankind that makes us walk in darkness while thinking we are enlightened.
The ultimate knowledge and understanding God wants us to have is that we are gods. We are gods of the universe. If we are gods and sons and daughters of the Most High then we should exhibit His nature and obey Him.
Who is God?
God is Spirit. “God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.””
John 4:24 NIV. We are spirit as well.
God is Love. “Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.”
1 John 4:8 NIV
When we cease to live in love, we stop being children of the Most High and the foundation of the earth shakes. We shall consider Love the way of God tomorrow because it is the word that most used and it has lost its meaning. We don’t need to say ‘I love you’ a number of times before someone knows that we love him/her.
PRAY: Dear Lord, open our eyes to see how we are to love You and love our neighbour.
Bose Olatunbosun.