September 10. Hosea ch 1-3
“And whenever you stand praying, if you find that you carry something in your heart against another person, release him and forgive him so that your Father in heaven will also release you and forgive you of your faults.”
Mark 11:25 TPT
GOOD MORNING. Prayer is sweet when it receives an answer. This is why most people want to know the secret to answered prayers. A natural doctor friend of mine once said treating patients with natural medication is like peeling onion skin. You will remove many layers before you get to the fresh onion. The heart of man has been covered with many layers of different vices. The most common of which is unforgiveness. The various layers of vices prevent the heart from being right and in tune with Father God who will answer prayers. In spite of the fact that I have been dealing with unforgiveness in my own heart, I still find some hidden there that showed up when the names of some people were mentioned. I had to recall the pains they gave me again and released them to have peace. Look deep into your heart. Peel the union skin of unforgiveness covering your heart. Remember those people whom you have left in the court of God. You asked God to judge them, release them. Ask God not to judge them but bless them.
It is very difficult to forgive especially when the wound is deep; however, God ties prayer and forgiveness together. It is the nature of God to forgive mankind so He expects us to forgive each other. One thing that has helped me with forgiving others is when I look at how God has compensated me with many undeserved blessings. Sometimes, it is a blessing I never knew that I even needed nor asked for.
We have to forgive our corrupt or wicked leaders too. Careless workers who messed us up. The doctor who forgave instruments in your relatives body out of carelessness. There are so many things and institutions to forgive.
Then you need to forgive yourself for life changing mistakes that you made. The mistake that you remember and you wish you had not done it. The disobedience that has landed you where you don’t like. All these have to be called to mind as they come up and dealt with.
PRAY: Dear Lord, please help me to forgive (put name) for the offence I am holding against him/her