September 13.                               Daniel ch 10-12


“They began to serve their gods and bow before their idols. All of this led them away from you and brought about their downfall. They even sacrificed their little children to the demon spirits, shedding the innocent blood of their sons and daughters. These dark practices greatly defiled the land and their own souls, through the murder and bloodshed of their own babies! Their sins made them spiritual adulterers before you. This is why you were furious. As your anger burned hot against them, you couldn’t even stand to look at your very own people any longer! So you turned them over to the crushing hands of other nations, and those who hated them became tyrants over them. Oppressive enemies subdued them, ruling over them with their tyranny.”

Psalms 106:36-42 TPT

GOOD DAY. Like many people do, I wonder and ask why many leaders hate their subjects and  especially in developing nations, who are living in abject poverty in spite of the natural endowments by God. The above scripture gives answer to this question. The common man has the ability to change their leadership not necessarily through their votes but through their own imagination and character. The more God fearing the common man is, the better their rulers will be. In my country, common people cheat themselves; they destroy the few amenities provided for their comfort; they do shoddy works that do not last; they abduct their children and people for rituals and human trading; all these are in the service of mammon, the new god of these days. All these evil in the hearts of individuals only attract evil leaders who hate the subjects. If each of us could create an image in our hearts of us being honest, hardworking, God fearing and we hold that image until it starts motivating us, our leadership will change. Begin today to imagine the kind of life you want for your country and the world, hold the image until it motivates you to action. 

PRAY: Dear Lord, let me know that the most complicated problems of life can be solved if I can imagine the issue solved and hold the imagination till it motivates me.