June 28. Psalm ch 53-58
Antidote to depression 1
“In hope against hope he believed, so that he might become a father of many nations according to that which had been spoken, “So shall your descendants be.” Without becoming weak in faith he contemplated his own body, now as good as dead since he was about a hundred years old, and the deadness of Sarah’s womb; yet, with respect to the promise of God, he did not waver in unbelief but grew strong in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully assured that what God had promised, He was able also to perform.” Romans 4:18-21
GOOD DAY: The situation all over the world now makes depression and mental health issues special epidemics that the world is spending much money and energy to resolve without success. Unfortunately, it has no vaccination or medication that can cure it. It is not restricted to class, color of skin, financial status, age or gender. When we were young (I belong to the old school gen), depression wasn’t a common vocabulary or something the whole world was concerned about. In fact many of us did not know the meaning of that word including myself.
Old schools are asking what went wrong with the millennials and gen z. With the old schools then, there was the fear of God. Not morbid fear but reverence. Our thoughts and attitudes were guided by the Ten Commandments and catechism. We were content with what we had and patient. We had hope from God through those teachings. Even non Christian religions had basic teachings that instilled fear of God and our HOPE was from Him.
Then the world developed in science and technology that eroded the fear of God. By the time man traveled to the moon, the mystery of divinity was broken and with each scientific breakthrough, reverence for God and His laws became heavily eroded. Man’s HOPE depended on man and since man has limited power, frustration and depression resulted from unfulfilled desires. Today, I want you to take time to look at how deep your belief that God exists is; how much respect you have for His laws and how much of Him that you even know. Tomorrow, we shall see how HOPE is related to depression then you will not only be able to help yourself, you will help others too.
PRAY: Dear Lord, it is hard to deeply believe that you exist in these days of deep scientific inventions. Science has succeeded in the tangible aspect of life but the spiritual eludes man because that belongs to You. Please bring man back to Yourself that all strange diseases will stop afflicting and destroying us in Jesus name.
BIBLE IN 120 DAYS. DAY 28: 1 John – Jude.
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Bose Olatunbosun +447399700512; “+2348033355584
Kwasi James
It is so well ma. Each time I ponder on the happenings of today and the dispositions of our much younger generation (Gen Zs); we can only believe God for a transformation.
Even the church I think to a large extent is not helping the situation. Some days ago it dawned on me that we hardly hear messages on ‘The End Time’ ‘Jesus is Coming Soon’ ‘Holiness’ Righteousness’ etc. Those were the teachings I grew up listening to in my secondary school days after giving my life to Christ at age 13 in the year 1992. Today you go to most places of worship and you think you are in a business summit. God help us.
you observe right this is the root of frustrationleading to depression.
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