December 11 1 Thessalonians ch 1-5
“Beloved, don’t be obsessed with taking revenge, but leave that to God’s righteous justice. For the Scriptures say: “Vengeance is mine, and I will repay,” says the Lord. And: If your enemy is hungry, buy him lunch! Win him over with kindness. For your surprising generosity will awaken his conscience, and God will reward you with favor. Never let evil defeat you, but defeat evil with good.”
Romans 12:19–21 TPT
GOOD DAY: Many years back in school, a friend thought I offended her and she was not going to forgive. She wanted revenge and she did many things to me which in God’s mercy did not dampen my spirit or change my attitude toward life or herself. Fifty years later, we met. Her attitude was still the same when she saw that I am still the same ever happy and always smiling person I have always been. She decided to bring some challenges I had passed through to the fore of our discussion in a way to torment me but she found that I was unruffled and said God’s perspectives of everything concluding that knowing Jesus makes all the difference as many people keep having the same challenges I had everyday. Although she has all the good things of life that should make her happy, the urge for revenge keeps her unhappy as I am not the only one from whom she wants vengeance. This is the situation with many people that destroys their joy.
The thought of taking laws into our own hands demanding to avenge our ‘enemies’ keeps us unhappy and sometimes even sick. I knew a deep level of peace when I stopped wishing those who offend me deserve a multiple fold of what they did to me. I started praying for and thinking of the well-being of my offenders. Obsession with vengeance takes you away from good thoughts of God thus away from God. Learn to pray for your enemies, let go of the offence and wish them well. If you cannot help with their natural needs, pray for them. Think good thoughts towards them and leave God to arrange His own justice. As you do this, you will find that God makes nature to dole good rewards for you with peace of mind.
PRAY: Dear Lord Jesus, it is only by you that I can say “forgive them Father for they know not what they do” when I am nailed to the cross by people. Help me Lord to surrender and pray for their well-being.
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Bose Olatunbosun +447399700512; +2348033355584
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