1. Why do bad things happen to good people?
After the fall of man in Genesis, the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil was released and scattered throughout the earth. Good and evil are scattered around and they drop at random on people like rain.
2. How can I stop my spouse from cheating?
Answer: First know that your spouse is not cheating on you but cheating on God who ordained marriage. Do your own God-ordained duty in marriage and leave God to defend His institution of marriage. Any attempt by you to force him might result in a fight to any level. Keep your peace with God and pray for them.
3. How do I cope with a lazy husband who is not putting money down for housekeeping yet wants to Lord it over me?
Answer: Has he always been lazy before you got married? If you knew and you went ahead with the marriage, then you need patience. If he lost his job or his business ran into a hitch, you need patience and prayer for restoration provided he was doing his duty when he had the means. If however you were deceived into it, you are free to choose what you want to do considering what God says in Exodus 21:10-11. This scripture gave the duties of the man in marriage.
4. Can I marry someone less educated than me or on a different social class as a lady?
Answer: This is tricky. It depends on how enlightened the man is. People handle inferiority complex differently. If the man can manage and tame his ego and complex and probably develop himself, no worries. But if he cannot manage his ego and he becomes jealous of your progress, then there will be a problem. The marriage might even break up.
5. How can I know what work or business God wants me to do?
Answer: What are you naturally interested in? That is God’s gift to you. Develop it.
6. Is divorce a sin?
Answer: Huum, divorce was not part of God’s plan for marriage. But because of the hardness of man’s heart, Moses permitted divorce and Jesus did not specifically change Moses’ pronouncement but reminds us that it is not God’s original plan. Where the heart of either partner is hard, instead of allowing abuse that can even lead to death, divorce may be the option..
7. Is polygamy a sin?
Answer: Again Jesus did not address polygamy neither was the question posed to Him. However, the law governing polygamy is given in Exodus 21:10-11
8. Why do young people die?
Answer: Our times are in the hands of the Lord. Once each person fulfils the number of days allotted to him, he is called back home. Mark you, it is the body that dies and not the soul.