December 27.                    Revelations ch 5-8


“It is the same when I give my word to people. It will not return to me without any result. No! My word does what I want it to do. What I promise to do will certainly happen.’”

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭55‬:‭11‬ ‭EASY‬‬

GOOD DAY. Yesterday, we talked about getting started on the path of making all things possible as we believe. Writing what you want and agreeing that it is possible is the first step and perhaps the most difficult. This is because so many facts that we perceive with our five senses are strong and you cannot see how what you want can be possible by reason. Many people who read the post yesterday will laugh and perhaps mock me with my own demand. It is tough. I had to break myself loose from reasoning with my five senses to believe that it is possible. There is a companion for imagination that we need to anchor our soul on. Imagination is best anchored on a word of God or His promise. After you have formed the imagination, look for a word of God to anchor it on. This helps to keep the imagination steady while it tarries. For my imagination of the supply of £300 that I am thanking God for, my anchor scriptures are 

1. The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want and 

2. The Lord shall supply all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. When doubts come by reason of the worsening world economy and what it is doing to businesses, 

I raise these two scriptures and renew my hope and joy through them until God leads me to the legitimate way to get the need met. You too can find scriptural anchor for your imagination and keep thanking God it is done. You don’t have to figure out the way God will do it but He will lead you to what you have to do to release the gift or answer to your prayer. 

PRAY. Dear Lord, help me to hold fast that which I have imagined in me till it manifests for others to see. 

Bose Olatunbosun.   +2348033355584