December 13.                2 Timothy 4- Titus ch 2

                            AVOID DISTRACTION

“Jesus let nothing distract him from departing for Jerusalem because the time for him to be lifted up drew near, and he was full of passion to complete his mission there. So he sent messengers ahead of him as envoys to a village of the Samaritans. But as they approached the village, the people turned them away. They would not allow Jesus to enter, for he was on his way to worship in Jerusalem. When the disciples Jacob and John realized what was happening, they returned to Jesus and said, “Lord, if you wanted to, you could command fire to fall down from heaven, just as Elijah did and destroy all these wicked people.” Jesus rebuked them sharply, saying, “Don’t you realize what spews from your hearts when you say that? The Son of Man did not come to destroy life, but to bring life to the earth.” So they went to another village instead.”‭   ‭Luke‬ ‭9‬:‭51‬-‭56‬ ‭TPT‬‬

GOOD DAY. You only need to have a vision and decide to pursue it for agents of distraction to start rising up. So learning to focus is a major virtue one has to pursue.

To be able to focus, you must have a clear knowledge and imagination of what you want. Write it down clearly and probably put it on a small note card that you can bring out from your pocket or bag. Distractions can come in the form of thoughts or events. If Jesus allowed His disciples to call down fire from heaven to consume the Samaritans, a ‘good story and sensation about the power of God would have resulted from it’ which would have been a distraction. To maintain your mental wellness and get to your destination, you must learn to turn your mind and body away from distractions. For example, I once had a pain in my hip that made walking quite challenging yet I had to walk some distance daily. I wrote on my card that I am healed of the pain and my hip was well. I took paracetamol to relieve the pain but each time a bad thought came to my mind, I recited what I had asked God and focused on it. Each time I heard people talk about that kind of pain someone else had and the end result of it, I took my card out and kept my focus on it. This happened for over one year until I just noticed that I had not had the pain for some time. That was the end of the journey for that pain. There are many examples of people who avoided distractions in the bible to get their demand. Elisha followed Elijah till Elijah was taken up to heaven so as to receive double portion of Elijah’s spirit 2 Kings 2:9-13

Abraham’s servant refused food until he discussed his master’s mission of securing a wife for Isaac with Laban Rebecca’s brother. Genesis 24:33.

There is a story of a young prophet who allowed the lies of an old prophet to distract him. 1 Kings 13:1-30. It is an interesting story to read to see the importance of not following distractions. If you can hold on to your vision, your imagination and the feeling of it no matter what, you will get what you want. 

PRAY: Dear Lord, help me to be focussed on the desires and demands you place in my heart. 

Bose Olatunbosun.   +2348033355584