between the mud and the throne 1

December 5. 2 Corinthians ch 1-6


“Yes, feast on all the treasures of the heavenly realm and fill your thoughts with heavenly realities, and not with the distractions of the natural realm.” Colossians 3:2 TPT

GOOD DAY: Life in this existence is about intellect, and feelings. Once these two unseen factors depart from a person, the body is just clay that does not know joy or pain or anything at all. As you read this today, think about the above statement and let it inform you on how and where to live your life. Whatever emotions you feel about whatever happens in your life depends on your intellect.
Where does your intellect live? In the mud or on the throne with the Lord Jesus? You have to choose. The first important thing is to be aware of where your intellect dwells with the attendant feelings it produces in you. If you are unaware of where your intellect or reasoning is, you won’t be able to guard your mind or heart with all diligence as scripture says. Those who invent things for their livelihood keep their intellect on their desire. Years back, I used to buy books from IPFY christian bookshop in Opebi then. She observed that I was obsessed with bibles and books on knowing God. She looked at me one day and said “sister, you will teach multitudes to know and understand God eventually.” I laughed as I didn’t have that intention then, all I wanted to do was practise my engineering but what she said made me feel good and I intensified my efforts to know God. My intellect was seated in knowing God. It is amazing that my intellect has not shifted even when it has not put fat money in my bank account or large followership and I have lost some things that matter much to me, but I am getting there. It has however put peace, love, joy, faith for living and freedom in my heart.
On this our awareness day, let each person see where his intellect is fixed and that is your house. If it gives you anxiety, sadness, hatred, covetousness, partying and other vain things that give temporary high, then know that you are seated in the mud. If it gives you joy, peace, love, self control, and feelings like that, then you are seated on the throne with Jesus the King of kings. Tomorrow, we shall discuss how to change from the mud to the throne and remain there.

PRAY: Dear Lord Jesus, thank You that I can be seated with You in the heavenly realm. Open my eyes to see where I am seated right now so I can make changes if need be.

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Bose Olatunbosun +447399700512; +2348033355584