AUGUST 22. Jeremiah ch 28-30
“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth.
Matthew 6:24 NASB1995
GOOD DAY. You may be surprised at the connection between the topic we are considering and the verse for meditation. I was as well when the Holy Spirit brought it but it becomes clear when we look at it. There is a world within each one of us and it is who reigns there that we connect with. The ruler in that inner world could be God or any other spirit, not just money or wealth. Today, watch what consumes your thought and attention, that is the God in your inner world and to it you connect. It is to dethrone all these cares and concerns that makes connecting with the Holy Spirit difficult for most people. What I do that has helped me is to consciously tell myself that I refuse to worry but surrender all things to God’s control. His will shall be done. I tell myself that I choose to connect with the Creator God in me for what to do and refuse to rely on my own understanding.
Saying this to myself over time has given me a quiet trust and confidence in my heart. Having done this over time, it has become easy for me to live connected with the Holy Spirit at all times.
Hear what a brother sent in as how he does it. (This is unedited) Thank you for this great insight into the presence of the Holy Spirit. One of the ways to connect with Him is to become and remain calm. This can be achieved by a deep breathing process of inhaling deeply the Holy Spirit, and exhaling evil spirits, until one experiences the calm presence of God. Then one presents one’s concerns or needs to the Holy Spirit. It becomes more efficacious with intentional practice. Good morning, everyone. (From bro Eugene)
Whatever practice that you choose, the result should be peace and calm of the Holy Spirit. When you experience the peace and calm in your spirit you will know it. The world inside you becomes calm; all worries and cares are lifted and you can experience Psalm 46:10 that says “be still and know that I am God.” Once connection is built, peace and assurance follow no matter what is happening and you are divinely instructed. This is not laziness but the peak of creativity.
PRAY: Dear Lord, please teach me how to enter and remain in your presence always.
Bose Olatunbosun +447399700512; +2348033355584