December 3.                           Ephesians ch 2-4

                          DECLUTTER YOUR MIND

“And others are the ones on whom seed was sown among the thorns; these are the ones who have heard the word, but the worries of the world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires for other things enter in and choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful.”

‭‭Mark‬ ‭4‬:‭18‬-‭19‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬

GOOD DAY. Have you ever tried to declutter your room or kitchen or any part of your house? You see how much unneeded cloths and other items you had to pack out and how fresh and clean the room became after the exercise. Something led you to declutter. You didn’t like the look of the room or you don’t have space for you to stretch out and relax not to talk of where to put more useful and new things. The state of a cluttered up house and the feelings it gives is what your spirit feels with a cluttered up mind. No wonder many people are not happy neither can they pick up new ideas because there is no space. 

When you have a block out and no light comes into your soul then you need to declutter your soul. Like in the natural, there are essential things and there is soul garbage. The bible tells us some of them. Soul garbage clutters up your soul and pops up to arouse negative thoughts and emotions in you. They send out negative energies that attract negative conditions to you. They also prevent you from either seeing meaning in the word of God or prevent you from persevering in the practice of the word till it brings results. 


  1. First is to determine what you want and write them out. For me, I have decided that what I  need are peace of mind, joy, health and fear of God. They are spiritual virtues. This is because I have had all tangible things we worry about and I see people who have abundance of them yet are still not comfortable. Added to that, they are temporal and leave at will.

  2. You catch each thought that occupies space in your mind and decide  which of them are useful to enhance what you need. 

  3. You take each of them and see if there is anything you can do about it. If there is, then put it in your To Do list and act on it. If there isn’t anything you can do, then pray about it until it leaves your mind. Also do a self-talk to yourself that you cannot resolve the thought right now and it should leave you until you know how to resolve it. Write it down as well under Keep In View (KIV). Leave it and refer the thought back to your KIV list. 

  4. For anything that is essential, put it down for meditation. What I do with those is to take it to God with His word that promises to give me the thing. I use His word as my subject of my meditation until I get an answer or assurance of resolution.

We shall continue from here tomorrow but for our exercise today, catch every thought that bothers your mind and write them out. We need a lot of writing to live a peaceful life so get used to journaling your thoughts in whichever way is convenient for you.

PRAY: Dear Lord, please open my eyes to see the thoughts hiding in my mind that I may work with you to clear them.

Bose Olatunbosun. +2348033355584