December 9.                   2 Thessalonians ch 1-3


““What can we do to perform the works of God? ” they asked. Jesus replied, “This is the work of God — that you believe in the One He has sent.””‭  ‭John‬ ‭6‬:‭28‬-‭29‬ ‭HCSB‬‬

GOOD DAY. I found frustration and non-performance very depressing especially when they occur frequently and on issues that are important to me. I needed to know God’s view and how I am to do my work to be fruitful and fulfilling. The counsel of Jesus came to my mind and we shall look deeply into it. 

All desires and wishes a person can have from the smallest to the biggest are from above. They come from within the person, they are spiritual. This is a mystery; above is within you. Whether it is as small as I want my wife/husband to love me or I want to invent a spaceship. They are all desires from the spirit. Then Jesus is saying that all I have to do is believe in the vision or desire that He has sent. We read and limit John 6:28-29 to Jesus the person but forget that there is Jesus the Word. Jesus is saying that my work is to believe the word that God has sent in your desire. Believing, it is not by your power or your might that it will be done but by meditating or imagining the desire fulfilled until you really overcome all obstacles to imaging it fulfilled inside you. Once you imagine it fulfilled, then continue with your life but going back to the imagined fulfillment of the desire. If there is any part that you are to play in the fulfillment, you will be guided from within and it will flow naturally and work out without frustration or disappointment. This is God doing His work using the human He gave the desire to. My work therefore is to believe the word God sends. Believe that it is possible. For example, if a woman desires that her husband loves her exclusively, she should believe that it is possible for her husband to love her exclusively even in this immoral generation. 


The woman above should write her desire down clearly. Habakkuk 2:2. She should read it out to herself until she feels it fulfilled in her imagination. When she sees it and feels the joy, faith has been generated because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the message of Christ. As she hears the message over and over, the faith for the word to perform is generated and that word stands against any contrary thought that comes to her mind. This is the secret to avoid frustration and depression as the burden to perform is lifted off you. 

I ask you to try it so you can testify to the truth of the word of God. 

PRAY: Dear Lord, may all those who practice Your word receive grace to stand by and on the word till it bears fruit. 

Bose Olatunbosun        +2348033355584