January 6. Genesis ch 19-22
“Listen! A virgin will be pregnant, she will give birth to a Son, and he will be known as “Emmanuel,” which means in Hebrew, “God became one of us.”” Matthew 1:23 TPT
HAPPY DAY TO YOU: Today, we shall observe the ultimate of God’s revelation of Himself to Mankind. God the creator of all became Man that man may become God hallelujah. He lived to show us how to relate with Him and His universe. That God became man is hard to imagine that many people call it impossible but that is exactly what God did to redeem man. Emmanuel did not just come to be Man once and leave but He sent His Spirit to be in man so that man can be truly God. Everybody who believes, will be filled with the Holy Spirit and can be God on earth as much as he can yield to the Holy Spirit. This is hard and some will even close their eyes and ears and shout blasphemy but when Jesus (Emmanuel) was here and declared the same thing to people of His time, they tried to kill Him. But this is how much God loves man.
You are the face of God that we see now, I am the face of God. If we see ourselves as faces of God, we will treat ourselves well. If you see yourself as God in flesh, you will operate differently.
“I said, “You are gods; Indeed, all of you are sons of the Most High. [Gen 6:1-4; John 10:34-36; Rom 13:1, 2]” Psalms82:6AMP.
Do today’s exercise and record your feelings. Share your experience in the comments section or with me.
TODAY’S EXERCISE: Repeat “I am God and child of the living God” to yourself in batches of 10 times at a go as many times as possible today.
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Bose Olatunbosun +447399700512; +2348033355584