January 8. Genesis ch 25-27
“For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.”” John 4:24 NLT
Me too am spirit:
“Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again.”
1 Thessalonians 5:23 NLT
God too has mind:
“Then said the LORD unto me, Though Moses and Samuel stood before me, yet my mind could not be toward this people: cast them out of my sight, and let them go forth.” Jeremiah 15:1 KJV
God has mind and I have mind. The word mind in Hebrew from Strong’s concordance is
Phonetic: neh’-fesh
BDB Definition:
soul, self, life, creature, person, appetite, mind, living being, desire, emotion, passion that which breathes, the breathing substance or being, soul, the inner being of man
God took on flesh in Jesus Christ:
Now, God took on flesh when He was born of the virgins Mary and was Emmanuel. Whoever believes in Jesus has the power and authority to become a child of God and can be God.
I am taking us through these scriptures and the meaning of the word mind so that when we begin to look at how to live our everyday life in the spirit it will make meaning to us and have relevance in our experiences. When my spirit and soul (mind) become those of God, then God lives in my body as His body. This gives us understanding of Psalm 49:20 which says if we are in honor and don’t understand then we are like beasts. Look at these scriptures, add to them from scriptures and think on them.
Today’s exercise: Rewrite today’s lesson in a single sentence as you understand it.
Send what you wrote to me. That will be our topic for tomorrow or next depending on when I get your summary.
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Bose Olatunbosun +447399700512; +2348033355584
God has given us the privilege to be as He is by giving us direct access to Him in this our bodies of clay… Glory Hallelujah.. if only we willingly commit align believe yield by loving Him. What a God, what a Father.