July 22. Isaiah ch 1-3
It happened after a while that the brook dried up, because there was no rain in the land. Then the word of the Lord came to him, saying, “Arise, go to Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon, and stay there. Behold, I have commanded a widow there to provide for you.” 1 Kings 17:7-9 AMP
GOOD DAY: How can God be relevant in these hard times? Without the prospect of something or someone being relevant in the sustenance of my well being, devoting my time and life to such a thing or person is not worth it. I remember a folk story we told when we were young. There was a famine and all animals killed their mothers and ate them. The dog took her own to heaven where there was abundant supply and came back. Anytime the dog was hungry, he would look up and call his mother who would release a thread from heaven to feed her child food through.
This is what will happen with anyone who involves God in his life. In today’s scripture for meditation, there was famine in Israel because Elijah had called for a closure of heaven and there was no rain. Observe that the famine could have killed Elijah as it did others if he was not hearing God who gave him a source of his sustenance. Soon the source of water dried up and God gave him an instruction to move to Zarephath where He had COMMANDED a widow to give him food. I want you to read the whole story. The widow too had the last food she would prepare for her son and herself before they died but SHE HEARD GOD COMMAND HER TO GIVE FOOD TO ELIJAH FIRST.
She obeyed and the little food was enough to support the three of them till there was rain and harvest.
In hard times God will instruct His children of where there is supply for them and how to draw on it for their sustenance. There is an abundant supply of all things in heaven (the spirit realm). You have to be sensitive to God’s voice to reach out and do what He says. I believe there is God, I also believe there is an abundance of what we need with Him. What we do not know is how to draw it down. Get close to God and He will keep guiding you.
PRAY: Dear Lord, please incline my heart to listen to You as You guide me to my place of supply.
Bose Olatunbosun +447399700512; +2348033355584