August 17.      Jeremiah ch 16-18


O taste and see that the Lord [our God] is good; How blessed [fortunate, prosperous, and favored by God] is the man who takes refuge in Him.   Psalms 34:8 AMP

GOOD DAY. Yesterday, we discussed the foundation of trust. I am learning to trust God deeply too. You can never know it enough, perhaps we are not designed to be able to do that because even Abraham the father of faith missed it a couple of times. He once claimed that Sarah was not His wife and he impregnated his maid Hagar instead of waiting for Sarah to have God’s promise fulfilled. Genesis 16; Genesis 20. You can read the story of Jonah to see how humans can miss it. 

At any rate, this is what I do that has enhanced my trust in God. Today’s verse for meditation was and is still my anchor verse. Taste and see that the Lord is good. I decided to start getting familiar with His word the bible. I don’t know how you choose to get familiar with God but you need to be familiar with the instruction book your way gives. I found Jesus Christ and the Bible as my way of getting to know God. 

Reading through His word, I learnt so many things about His nature. The ones that interested me most at first is that God jokes. I leave you to find that yourself. I also noticed that no matter what the children of Israel did, His love was unshaken even when he punished them. It was then I decided to be closer to Him as I could see myself in the Israelites. This I did by reading the Bible over several times, reading books on KNOWING AND HEARING GOD, by several authors, keeping close friendship and fellowship with those who were interested in knowing and hearing God. Then I became God’s friend and I started enjoying the benefits after some period of persistence. I called on Jesus freely to help me and He did. It was then I found my own special way of relating with God. Some teachers related fluently with the Holy Spirit, some with God, I related and still relate with Jesus but we all had the same result because the Three names are for One God just like I have three names I am identified by. This lead me to knowing God, and His power and the blessings He gives. We will continue with the blessings of knowing God tomorrow but today, I want you to meditate on today’s scripture and see how you can taste and see that the Lord is good. 

PRAY: Dear Lord, I have heard that you are good but many of us do not experience or know Your goodness. Kindly guide me in this journey to know you in Jesus name.

Bose Olatunbosun +447399700512; +2348033355584