February 7. Numbers ch 32-35
“Move your heart closer and closer to God, and he will come even closer to you. But make sure you cleanse your life, you sinners, and keep your heart pure and stop doubting.” James (Jacob) 4:8 TPT
“Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, sinners, and purify your hearts, double-minded people!” James 4:8 HCSB
GOOD DAY: Unless you draw close to someone, you cannot know the person. Even with professions, unless you draw close to it by trying it over and over yourself, you cannot understand the profession and affirm that the principles work. It is the same with God. When you draw close to God, He draws close to you. Third party presentation of God to people has made it so difficult for one to know Him. The evangelist tells you that once you accept Jesus into your life, all problems are gone. However, the moment you accept Jesus, it will be like a flood gate of trouble opened up. In the poor communities, preachers preach what the people want to hear which does not bring them close to God. Only the preacher seems to be enjoying affluence from what he manipulates them to donate and some slave labor to build his empire with the promise that they are doing it for God and He will reward them.
In the advanced and rich countries, people don’t really have any pressing material needs as their basic needs are met by their governments. They do not see how a faith in God can benefit or improve their lives judging by the five senses. Most people who preach talk about God in relation to outward benefits. These people however need God to minister to their inner well being. This is what neither science nor any government can do. God is however needed by everyone no matter your status for inner well being.
Fulfillment is only found in God. Relationships are personal so each person must discover God if he will enjoy Him.
This is what I did the year I decided that I wanted to know God. I bought a bible in simple language. I chose to know God through the Bible. I used the Living Translation. I read through it in one month. It was tough as I spent about three hours reading daily but I was determined and the things I was seeing about God surprised me. Ten percent of what could be known of God was not taught by church leaders. I saw everything that could be possibly done under heaven already recorded in the bible. Some directly and some indirectly. I was thrilled as a young lady and I chose to seek Him more. That was the beginning. When I completed the first round, I was inspired to go through the bible again and then it had more relevance to life of today and I fell in love with God and started obeying what I understood. That was the beginning of intimacy with Him. We’ll continue from here.
PRAY: Dear Lord, give me a sincere desire to know You personally.
Bose Olatunbosun +447399700512; +2348033355584