August 28.        Jeremiah ch 46-48


But Peter said, “I have no silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!”.  

Acts 3:6 ESV

GOOD DAY. I felt it was sharp but it was comforting to the lady. She lost her husband of twenty six years recently. Before then, she had lost her mother, sister and a dear family friend. With each one, she lost a part of herself but her husband’s loss has devastated her and for three months now since then, she said she has just locked herself inside and not doing anything. I asked the Holy Spirit what to say to her and the words “live with and by whatever you have left” dropped in my spirit and out of my mouth. 

I felt it was ash but she sighed and sounded comforted like we had a breakthrough. She said to me Bose , if I had lost any physical part of my body that is not life threatening, I would keep living with the rest. I said you are correct. And so she decided to start living with whatever she has left. 

Great things can happen with leftovers that may not even happen with having the whole. Peter and John had lost their business to follow Jesus. He had no money again and he could not go fishing immediately after Jesus left. When the lame man asked him for money, he did not complain but offered what he had to the lame man. No matter what God has taken from you, you have something left. Look at what you have left, plan how you can use it and just start living with and by that. Did God give you a lot of wealth before and then He withdrew some? Did you have many children before and God called some home? Then live with those that are left. Is it the only child you have that He called home, then, see a child to love in the many unloved children around you. Even if He takes a part of your body, live the life the rest allows you to live. Keep living with what you have left. You see my friend, life does not consist of the tangible things you have or do not have. Even your very body is not your life. Jesus said  “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6 ESV

Jesus is the life and that is why science will not find life through research. The tree of knowledge of good and evil gives mankind the knowledge to invent anything his mind can conceive but he was barred from the tree of life. Ask for the grace to live the new life that your condition places on you. As time goes, you will see how to be fulfilled in the new life you are living. 

PRAY: Dear Lord, help us to see how to use the gift you give us for everyone around us and not for ourselves alone. I can always share with those who don’t have.  

Bose Olatunbosun +447399700512; +2348033355584