never too late to have a dream

April 3.     1 Samuel ch 25-27


It will come about after this That I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind; And your sons and daughters will prophesy, Your old men will dream dreams, Your young men will see visions.  

Joel‬ 2‬:28‬ NASB1995‬‬

GOOD DAY: I came across the history of Grandma Moses some years back and something caught my attention about her. Read her brief resumé:

She started her career at 78. Grandma Moses did not pick up a paint brush until she was 78 in 1938. …

She became ”Young Woman of the Year” at the age of 88. …

Her paintings were once sold for as little as $3. …

She was friends with Norman Rockwell. …

One of her paintings hangs in The White House.

She died on the 13th December 1961 aged 101 years.

She dreamed of a career in art at age 78. Her painting once sold for $3.00. Her painting eventually sold for $1.4M in the year 2006. So let the old person not think he is at the end of the road. You can still dream and pursue your dream till your last day on earth. Dreams can be as simple as speaking good creative words over your country. You may have the dream of being a good vegetable farmer in your backyard.

The young man can see the vision. A vision of putting together a cleaning company. God said that He will put His Spirit on all mankind; all genders and colors so that all mankind can have a purpose. Like we said yesterday, remove every strife from your mind so that your mind can be at peace and you will see a vision or

have a dream from God that will give meaning to your life and live on after you.

PRAY: Dear Lord, this time calls for a vision or dream from You, open my eyes, ears and mind to see and hear from You.

Bose Olatunbosun +447399700512; +2348033355584



  • Folake Sanwo-Olu
    Posted April 3, 2024 10:57 am 0Likes

    I like this font size. Indeed, It is never too late to have a dream. No matter the age, may the Lord preserve us in sound mind and body. May our eyes not go dim and may our bones wax stronger. May the Lord renew our strength like that of an Eagle and may our memory not fail us. May the Holy Spirit help us to retain our memory to be able to fulfill our dreams. It is not by our power, nor by our might but by the spirit of God.

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