December 7. Colossians 4 – 1 Thessalonians ch 3
“My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.”
James 1:2-4 KJV
“rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;” Romans 12:12 KJV
GOOD DAY. He requested a video call so I could see him and probably pray harder. I laughed and said even if I see you face to face, God will still do what He will do in His own way and at His own time. Remember Balak and Balam wanting to curse Israel. Numbers 23;11-16. I said to him God has spoken that He has granted your request and even more. All you need to do is to wait and keep thanking Him. What was his problem? He was very good at his work but he needed a permit to keep him on the job when the company carried out the downsizing for economic reasons. He had applied to the appropriate authorities but for some reason, his papers were not treated. He prayed and saw himself holding the permit and even being promoted in the office. When it was a week for downsizing to begin, his HR called him and told him there was nothing he could do to help him without the permit. He called the government office and he was told it was not his turn. He was so disappointed but he did not lose hope and he kept thanking God and praising Him just as we had discussed. On the morning when downsizing was to begin, he got a letter from the government authorities that he had been favorably considered.
When I told him there was no prayer I could say that will change God’s timing he was disappointed but when His right time came, he was shocked. The secret to when there is delay in human perspective, after you have visualized and felt the joy of answered prayer, the only thing left is to keep praising God. Bring the vision of answered prayer back once in a while and feel it again but keep thanking God as you go about your day to day business.
I have experienced it before and I know it could be tough particularly towards the time of manifestation. Some thoughts and contrary events will start happening to shift your focus and steal your joy and tempt you to doubt God but if you can take such thoughts captive, and be thanksgiving, you will surely get there.
Every delayed manifestation teaches you to be patient and strengthens your faith. They all add up to tell you that God exists. My solid faith in the existence of God is partly from the delayed manifestation of His promises to me. When they come to pass without my effort, I see the God behind all events.
PRAY: Dear Lord, grant me the grace to thankfully wait for You.
Bose Olatunbosun. +2348033355584