Rejoice in hope

July 3.       Psalms ch 73-77


(Depression killer)

“Let your hope keep you joyful, be patient in your troubles, and pray at all times.” 

Romans 12:12 GNT

GOOD DAY: I was speaking to a gen z man some weeks ago to make him see a way out of the corner his hope had pinned him. He had placed his hope on the forecast of crypto currency. It had yielded him results five times as predicted consecutively. Then he invested all his money and alas he lost everything he had. He became frustrated and depressed as he didn’t know where to start from. 

I told him to change his focus and put his hope on Jesus and the promises of God. He asked me how relevant Jesus is in his circumstance. Let us start the journey with Jesus. 

Where does hope stay? Hope resides in the spirit, in your thoughts, in your imagination. Now hear this: “Let us give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! For in our union with Christ he has blessed us by giving us every spiritual blessing in the heavenly world.”  Ephesians 1:3 GNT. Whatever you desire and hope to get from God is already provided for you in the heavenly world. In other words, every promise of God is already available for those who believe in the heavenly world. The question is how to get it. 

Let us take the gentleman who I spoke about earlier on. He sees himself rich. If he saw it as a promise from God as contained in His word, then he has it in the heavenly world. How does the word of God say he can get wealth? God prospers the labor of our hands. He has to think on the word of God till he has a breakthrough of what to do then he does it. Poverty awaits the lazy person. Hear what God says: “If you work hard at what you do, great abundance will come to you. But merely talking about getting rich while living to only pursue your pleasures brings you face-to-face with poverty.” Proverbs 14:23 TPT


“That they might set their hope in God, And not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments:” 

Psalm 78:7 KJV

When pursuing your hope gets to an obstacle and it seems that hope has failed, review the hope, see it in the spirit, it will give you joy and let the joy keep you patient as you continue keeping the demands of God. The joy of hope keeps the heart going and not frustrated or depressed. It keeps the soul patient and expectant. 

Today, write out your hope, see it in God who cannot lie or fail and see the work your hands can find to do and do it with all your might. 

PRAY: Dear Lord, open my eyes of understanding that I may behold Your blessings for me in heavenly places. 

BIBLE IN 120 DAYS. DAY 33: Genesis ch 20-26

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Bose Olatunbosun +447399700512; “+2348033355584