satisfied only in God

December 14.      2 Timothy ch 1-4


“There’s nothing better for human beings than to eat, drink, and experience pleasure in their hard work. I also saw that this is from God’s hand— Who can eat and find enjoyment otherwise?— because God gives wisdom, knowledge, and joy to those who please God. But to those who are offensive, God gives the task of hoarding and accumulating, but only so as to give it all to those who do please God. This too is pointless and a chasing after wind.”

Ecclesiastes 2:2426 CEB

GOOD DAY: The year is fast running to an end and it is time to start taking stock of one’s life. In the past, my eyes informed my mind of the material things I had acquired and I would plan and pray to get more. There were many things that needed to be done with more I would say to myself. I would score myself and charge myself to do more the following year to acquire more. Then one year, I became conscious that there is no end to the labour to know and acquire more. Then, I considered all the rich and powerful men that I knew and saw that in spite of acquiring more, they are still not satisfied. They wanted more; it was like pouring water in a basket. Then I observed that material acquisitions don’t satisfy, they only keep you longing for more. There is a void in me and others I shared with that confirms my conclusion. Since that year, (25 years ago) my stock taking has changed. I took stock of how much I have grown spiritually as the year runs out and ever since, I have been happy and fulfilled. 

Today, look back at what stock you had taken in years past. See what feelings it generated in you. This year running out, decide to add spiritual stocktaking to your material one. 

PRAY: Dear Lord, help me to look into my treasury for those virtues I have acquired in You this year running out. 

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Bose Olatunbosun +447399700512; +2348033355584


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