January 28. Leviticus ch 18-22
“Potiphar left everything up to Joseph, and with Joseph there, the only decision he had to make was what he wanted to eat. Joseph was well-built and handsome, and Potiphar’s wife soon noticed him. She asked him to make love to her, but he refused and said, “My master isn’t worried about anything in his house, because he has placed me in charge of everything he owns. No one in my master’s house is more important than I am. The only thing he hasn’t given me is you, and that’s because you are his wife. I won’t sin against God by doing such a terrible thing as this.” She kept begging Joseph day after day, but he refused to do what she wanted or even to go near her. One day, Joseph went to Potiphar’s house to do his work, and none of the other servants were there. Potiphar’s wife grabbed hold of his coat and said, “Make love to me!” Joseph ran out of the house, leaving his coat there in her hands. When this happened, she called in her servants and said, “Look! This Hebrew has come just to make fools of us. He tried to rape me, but I screamed for help. And when he heard me scream, he ran out of the house, leaving his coat with me.” Potiphar’s wife kept Joseph’s coat until her husband came home. Then she said, “That Hebrew slave of yours tried to rape me! But when I screamed for help, he left his coat and ran out of the house.”” Genesis 39:6-18 CEV
GOOD DAY. Two people, two minds and two theaters. Let us look at Poriphar’s wife’s theater. This is a play or imagination inspired by the five senses and lust. She saw a handsome boy named Joseph. He is a man of character loved and trusted by her husband. He was a slave of her husband. That is the visible situation. However on the stage of her mind, she kept imagining this handsome hardworking and young slave making love to her. She played it over until she had the courage to invite him to sleep with her. He refused but she devised a way. She watched him go to clean her room and that was an opportunity to force him. He ran out but she caught his robe. She used the robe to implicate him. You can finish the rest of the story. How is your own mind about your desire? What play do you rehearse in your mind; your imagination?
Joseph’s theater: You see a theater or imagination inspired and sustained by the fear or respect for God. Joseph did not see the beauty or influence that Portiphar’s wife controlled. He could have been released from slavery through her influence but he refused to play that game on his mind. Rather Joseph played the God script. He looked at the trust his master invested in him. He considered betraying the trust of his boss as a sin against God. Therefore under intense pressure to sin against God he ran from the scene of temptation. Did God bail him out immediately? No. He lost his glorified position in Portiphar’s household and was thrown in prison. However, that was God’s open door to Joseph’s lifting.
What script is playing in the theater of your mind? How are you involved? Remember that the more you rehearse it inwardly, the more you feel it and the more you attract it to play out.
The lesson in this is that no one can control your life except you surrender control to them. Portiphar’s wife sent adulterous thoughts to Joseph. Projected it so much the opportunity came but Joseph didn’t have to agree. He played his own script. Write your script, play it in your mind and be faithful to it.
PRAY: Dear Lord, keep me faithful to your ways in my mind always.
Bose Olatunbosun +447399700512; +2348033355584