January 15. Genesis ch 43-45
“But Jesus, knowing their thoughts, said, “Why do you think evil in your hearts?”
Matthew 9:4 AMP
HAPPY DAY TO YOU: “Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.”
Proverbs 4:23 GNBDC
I set myself to check the meaning of the two words “think and thought”. I observed that one produces the other. Think produces Thought. I checked the dictionary meaning of both and I find that their meanings are alike and limitless that I can feel the writers of the dictionary’s exhaustion at describing the two words or do I say acts. Why will one feel exhausted or short of words trying to define the two words? It is because they are the root of all things that we see and feel and that can be. Nothing is made without thought. So I came to an understanding that when you think about a thing enough to become a thought, then it will materialise through the power that works in you. Ephesians 3:20. So ‘Think’ does not automatically produce ‘thought’; it takes time and persistence. Once you think enough to produce thought, your thought is worked out for you by the power that works in you. This is why Jesus admonishes us to be careful what and how we listen because we shall be given accordingly.
Everybody thinks but what and how we think make the difference between a victor and a victim. A victor can remain a victim depending on his thoughts. A wealthy man can be very poor depending on his thoughts and vice versa.
Tomorrow, we will continue as the Holy Spirit leads us but for today, consider your thoughts.
Today’s exercise: Say to yourself ‘I choose what and how I think today and always’ in Jesus name.
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Bose Olatunbosun +447399700512; +2348033355584
Tunde Solarin
So I came to an understanding that when you think about a thing enough to become a thought, then it will materialise through the power that works in you. Ephesians 3:20. Good one, Aunty Bose.
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