November 17.                   Romans ch 5-7


““What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked. “My Rabbi,” the blind man said, “I want to see!””

‭‭Mark‬ ‭10‬:‭51‬ ‭NLT‬‬

GOOD DAY. What do you want Life to do for you? This is a question that is very simple but difficult for so many to answer. Why is this so? It is because we never really think deeply about what we want from life. We are the ‘NOW’ thinkers. Unfortunately, ‘NOW’ thinking does not give purpose to life because ‘NOW’ keeps changing like the hand of the clock. Because we don’t know what we want from life, our actions are not purpose directed and we end up uncertain and frustrated. 

When we were young, my mother, a single mother of seven of us, had a single purpose. I remember vividly that she would give up the pleasure of being posted to the city just so she could save some money to educate us. We all attended the best fee paying secondary schools of our time and she taught us contentment with the little material luxuries we could enjoy to get our school fees paid. We all had tertiary education and all things and people worked together to get her purpose achieved. By the way, she would tell us that she chose to be posted to rural areas because the cost of living was minimal.  Life granted her request and we were all well and decently educated. As you are reading this today, pause in your race for your ‘NOW’ demand hussles that are not part of a known definite need to a ‘LIFE’ purpose demand that will make you count for something. When king Solomon was asked by God who is ‘LIFE’ what he wanted for offering a thousand burnt offerings, he was specific about his purpose. 1 kings 3:5-13. ‘LIFE’ gave him what he wanted and all that he did not even ask for. Remember that knowing what you want will guide your attitude to life and what you do.

PRAY: Dear Lord, please put Your purpose for my life in my heart and teach me to pursue it in You.

Bose Olatunbosun +2348033355584